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Our Halloween Treat!

Our Halloween “sweet tooth” had us craving a meal that was a little less traditional than King Size Kit Kats and candy corn.
As we were prepping for a big day post trick-or-treating we decided to stay in and nurture our bellies with a pot of Homemade Butternut Squash soup, which was bowl-licking good. With winter on the horizon we think this recipe will come in handy.

Bon appetite!



4lbs of butternut squash

1 apple (We use honey crisp)

1 medium yellow onion

1/4 heavy cream

32 oz. Vegetable or Chicken Stock




Olive oil



Preheat the oven to 450. Split the butternut squash in four quarters and seed. Drizzle with olive oil and season well with salt and pepper. Bake the squash on a foil lined cookie sheet for an hour or until a fork tender.

While the squash is baking, medium dice the apple, onion and chop the sage. Heat a dutch oven or your favorite pot on medium with a heavy drizzle of olive oil to coat the entire surface. Add onions, apple and sage. Simmer on low until onions soften and begin to caramelize. Watch carefully and do not burn.

Once the squash is ready, remove from oven and wait until it is cool to the touch. Peel off skin and chop into medium size cubes (roughly 1in x 1in). Add to the pot along with chicken stock. Simmer all ingredients until flavors incorporate, add cream and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Pour half of the soup into food processor and blend until smooth, then repeat. Pour soup back into pot and warm to preferred temperature, serve with a dollop of Greek yogurt and garnish with chives, parsley or sage.

Cook’s note: We substitute Greek yogurt when sour cream is called for because it’s low cal and high in protein. Try it in your next Mexican dish or with eggs!

Butternut Squash images