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#FreshFriday // August 5

What a week it’s been! Between Instagram all of a sudden looking a lot like Snapchat (lots of feelings on this) and #NationalIceCreamSandwichDay, it’s been an exciting few days. Let’s take 5 to look back at some of the top stories this week.
From Sewer To Brewer (The Telegraph)

Never thought we would see the day, but my friends, the day is here. Using a simple solar power machine, researchers from the University of Ghent have figured out a way to make beer from urine. This process has been designed for areas where sanitation is non-existent, but who knows… make sure you really know what draft beer you are drinking next time you’re at a brewery!

Get Ready For Your New Fave Food Obsession, LA! (Well+Good)

‘Everytable’ is about to be your new fave, fast food restaurant. It was created to bring delicious and seriously affordable food to the city. The prices slide, so the $$ of your bill will reflect on the area of the city you live in. Read on to see the amazing mission of the founders.

Come To San Francisco, You Can Eat In A Dumpster (GrubStreet)

Kind of sensing a theme here? A restaurant in the trendy neighborhood of SOMA in San Fran has come up with a brilliant idea that attempts to show Americans how much food they waste every day. On the menu this week: over-ripe bananas and vegetable pulp. Pass the hand sanitizer?

Whether you’re laying low and catching up on Netflix with your boo (yes, apparently watching Netflix can enhance attraction) or going out and ticking things off your summer bucket list, have a great & safe weekend!

xx, team clover